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Dear Parents, Staff and Governors


Dyma’r Criw Cymraeg! We are this years ‘Criw Cymraeg’! We are here to help everybody know about how we are all working hard to learn Welsh. We have special red hats that we wear everyday so people know that we are part of the ‘Criw’.


We are working towards achieving the Cymraeg Campus Siarter Iaith Gwobr Efyd. (Bronze Award). To do this we need you to help and support us in learning, sharing, speaking and promoting being welsh and the welsh language. There are 10 targets for us to try and achieve.


Our school has huge Welsh mascot. His name is 'Sparky'. If you see 'Sparky' around the school you will know he is in the class with the best attendance. We also have a mini ‘Sparky’ Welsh dragon in each class. We get to take these home if we have 100% attendance and our name is chosen on the randomiser. 


We have two other mascots who’s names are Seren a Sbarc. They are Welsh superheroes to help us celebrate coming together to speak Welsh.


We speak lots of welsh in our school and can earn lots of rewards like certificates (Welsh speaker of the week), Tocyn Iaith’s for good use of incidental language. Each week the Criw Cymraeg choose the "Seren yr Wythnos" for pupils who are using Welsh and promoting the Welsh language in class and around the school.


Members of the Criw Cymraeg.

Head: Caitlin Richards.

Deputy Head: Phoebe Davies.


'Ymadrodd y penwythnos.' 

 Phrase of the fortnight.


We help to teach these phrases in the weekly Welsh assembly. We display posters around the school and listen carefully for children that use the phrases. 



Pwy sy yn dy deulu di?



Faint ydy dy oed di? 



BBC Radio Cymru and Radio Cymru 2 have been working closely with the Y Charter Iaith crew.

Miwsig Y Charter Iaith is a monthly playlist, of contemporary Welsh music. You can play for your children anywhere.


Please feel free to listen and learn more about the Welsh language!
Miwsig Y Charter Language is for EVERYONE who is part of our school community.  

So, share, click, listen, and enjoy!

